Project: STRM Privacy
STRM Privacy is a Dutch startup providing "privacy first" data streams. It was my first assignment as an independent freelancer. I built a PHP implementation of their driver.
Design choices
The minimal PHP version that needed to be supported was not known. So to err on the cautious side, I chose to support PHP7.2 and up. This version is quite end of life but I know from practice that it still is being used in quite a few places.
The driver would be released as open source. So of course I created a composer package on, which can be easily installed using composer.
Apache Avro
The driver is in fact an API client and as such not very complex. But to be frank, I had never before heard of Apache Avro. Turns out it's just a serialize system, but a very efficient one. Much more efficient than JSON, and schema based. So you are sure every data serialized using AVRO conforms to the defined schema, and especially if you strip the schema itself from the serialized data, it can be very efficient with very low overhead.
Integration of AVRO turned out to be almost trivial. I spent most of the time looking for the best suited PHP libary, because there are quite a few different implementations. Finally I settled for the Wikimedia version. It was the most complete and up to date. It is based on the official version from Apache but included composer support. Too bad the library wasn't very PSR-4 compliant. I did find a PSR-4 compliant port but that one wasn't suitable for production yet, unfortunately.
Tests and CI
Projects like this are very suited for Test Driven Development. However I was quite used to Laravel which has the very nice "inversion of control" principle which makes it very easy to inject mock versions of for example http clients in the application. But of course there are other ways to do this. The Guzzle HTTP library has some support for mocking requests, so I used that.
After the driver itself was finished, tested and approved, I set up the Continuous Integration pipelines using Github Actions, to run the unit tests on every push, and to update the Packagist repository on every release using a webhook.
In all other repositories of STRM Privacy Husky was being used, combined with commitizen. This enforces consistent commit messages, and takes care of automatic semantic versioning and changelog generation. I didn't know these tools, but they turned out to be very useful, so i will probably be using them more often.
Do you have a project or job where you could use my help?
Contact me, and we can discuss your requirements and wishes!